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Garden Club Events
Throughout the year, Thomasville Garden Club provides beautification and educational events for the public on floral design, gardening, and wildlife habitats.
An Evening in the Garden Spring Gala and Auction
Spring Gala
Thomasville Garden Club is hosting An Evening in the Garden Spring Gala and Auction on Thursday, March 20, 2025. A fun-filled evening featuring live entertainment, cocktails, heavy hors d'oeuvres, and a silent auction. All proceeds benefit the programs of the Thomasville Garden Club and Garden Club of Georgia Named Scholarship Program. Festivities begin at 6:30 PM and end by 9 PM. Tickets are $60, advanced reservations only. Tickets can be purchased from any Garden Club member or online.
Snappy Casual Attire
The 103rd Annual Standard Flower Show
April 26-27, 2024
103rd Flower Show will be held on Friday, April 26th,2024 from 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 27th, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Open and Free to the Public
Horticulture entries will be accepted Thursday April 25, 2024 from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. for youth and adult categories.
On Saturday, April 27th the show opens at 10 a.m. There will also be a children’s activity on the grounds of the Garden Center, from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. This year’s activity is “What’s a Flutter?”, with many tables available for hands on activities on butterflies and their contribution to our environment.
The show is sponsored by 1915 South – Ashley Fine Furniture, AMB Wealth, Southern Living Plant Collection by Hackney Nursery, Inc., TNB, Full Circle Landscaping, Singletary Florist.
Membership Luncheon
Our Annual Membership Luncheon honors members who have joined a garden club in the past year and is a time for anyone interested to come see what Garden Club membership is all about. Come out to meet our members and learn how to get involved! The covered dish luncheon begins at noon.
Fun, Food & Flowers Luncheon
A lively annual luncheon and demonstration on holiday decorating. Please come early to shop our marketplace. All proceeds benefit the programs of the Thomasville Garden Club. Chaired by our Briarcliff Garden Club. Luncheon/floral demonstration begins at noon and ends by 1 PM. Tickets are $20, advance reservations only. For tickets, call the visitors center at (229) 228-7977 or Toll Free at (866) 577-3600.
Floral Design Workshops
October - April
Through a series of monthly workshops, Marge Willis, an award winning designer and experienced flower show judge, will take participants through the design process and bring understanding to flower show judging and creative floral design. Offered Tuesday mornings in October, November, January, February, March, and April. Cost: $30 per participant.
Visit our Camellia Walk
January - March
The queen of the winter garden is the Camellia and the Thomasville Garden Center has a beautiful Camellia Walk showcasing local varieties and old fashioned favorites. All are identified by a marker indicating botanical name and origin. Come by the Garden Center Camellia Walk from January-March to be inspired by these beautiful winter flowers.
Christmas at the Center
The Christmas season is a wonderful time of year in Thomasville. Each year, beautifully decorated antebellum houses and buildings allow locals and visitors alike a glimpse into the awesome splendor and holiday magic of our quaint little town. During this time, the Garden Center sells gorgeous Christmas wreaths that capture the beautiful simplicity and quality of fresh evergreens.
Community Service
Thomasville Garden Club is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Thomasville,Ga and Thomas County working in the areas of community beautification and education.
Arbor Day
Last Friday in April
Each year the City of Thomasville, in conjunction with the Thomasville Garden Club and the Georgia Forestry Commission, celebrates Arbor Day with the planting of trees. This celebration enables Thomasville to be designated as a “Tree City USA” recipient. The ceremony and events surrounding Arbor Day are free and open to the public.
State Projects
Our local garden club, in cooperation with the University of Georgia and the state & national garden clubs, supports many state and national projects. We also benefit from education and advocacy at the state level. Projects include: adult classes in horticulture, gardening and landscape design, native plants in public gardens, Plant for Pollinators & Native Plant Societies, roadside beautification with the Georgia Dept. of Transportation planting spring bulbs & wildflowers along Georgia's highways, Marshall Forest Land Trust in Rome in cooperation with the NGS and the Nature Conservancy, historic preservation of various sites including
LeConte-Woodmanston Plantation in Liberty County/Waynesboro, youth garden clubs including youth camps & scholarships, parks & public lands, floral design, litter control, Blue Star and Gold Star Memorials honoring those who served